Newness beckons
It is known by some that I am part snake. They have a transforming, entwining nature. They shed their skin and leave it behind in assumably random places; they are not attached to the skins they shed. They look slimy, but if you're not too scared to touch one you will discover that they are not slimy--their skin is taught and smooth.
Anyway, trans-migratory, transmutable, etc...all the transes. The higher regions. Leaving it all behind. That is my nature. Normally right about now I would be saying 'good riddance' y'all, gotta go start a new strawberry patch somewhere else. And off I would go into the predominantly unknown. The only difference now is that I have the most precious (and precocious) little 2.25 year old to consider. She's the apple of my eye and I am pretty sure a direct descendant of the realm of the angels because I am certain she has arrived to save my life. I cannot even believe the overwhelming joy I feel being this child's mother. Who knew it would be the biggest privilege in the world to be a mother? Well, I suppose, the other billions of mothers out there have some inkling what I'm talking about. But I also imagine that not ALL mothers feel that way. Pause. My darling daughter just called me on the phone...ahhhh. She is back in New Jersey visiting with her GrandMom and Great GrandMom.
So, after 2.5 years of not working--if you call being a stay-at-home Mom and fledgling housewife NOT working, I am stepping back into the ring. Boo-ya! The ring of the front-creased slacks and silk business shirt. I am an Executive Assistant for hire. I have been casting my net out into the professional ethers for the last couple weeks, but I am very picky so it has only gone out to 4 companies. There's a good possibility I will 'land' one of the positions and there I will be, sitting in my cube, working it for the WO-Man!
ok, I got distracted. is changing again. That's my main point. Ta-ta for now.
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