Wednesday, July 06, 2005

in the world but not of the world

"Swamiji, you say we should avoid a worldly mans company. But, Swamiji, aren’t we all worldly men? If I, too am a worldly man, what do I get by labelling another as a worldly man and avoiding his company? I think this is possible only when I renounce the world and come here."

"What is here? Is this not the world? Is Rishikesh not part of the world? How can you renounce this world? Where will you go" These questions put the engineer in a very receptive and reflective mood. "What is meant," continued Siva: "by a worldly man is a man who is full of worldly nature. A man may live in the world, and yet be not of it. That is the secret. Never allow the evils of the world to get into your heart: enthrone God in the heart."

--copied from the Divine Life Society Headquarters website.


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