just saying the word God evokes the feeling of immense love and eternity in my heart. i feel i could burst. i know for some the word God is charged with a lot of emotion and judgement. i just love the way the word sounds and vibrates in my being. God. god. G-d. Gaaaahhh... aaaaahhhd. God.
i am not sure why i am bringing this up, but it feels good to share it. sometimes i accidentally type god when i mean to type good. it makes me want to not correct it.
things are feeling simple in my everyday experience lately. everything feels so manageable. i feel held in the divine's arms. taken care of. provided for. i feel like a mother and a child both. i feel like a mother to my mother. in the most nurturing, caring, concerned way. my mother is not well right now. i feel she will have a difficult time the next five or so years. i pray for her well being and we speak on the phone and i share my love and concern for her. she is going through a lot of changes transitioning in her living situation and wanting to work fewer than 60-70 hour weeks. it is amazing the toll we charge our beings through our lifestyle choices. and then one day we decide to do something about it. she is waking up in this way. starting to realize that working so many hours and living a life full of stress will catch up to us.
how important is it to bring balance to our lives by eating well, taking time alone to reflect and cultivate peace so we can be more productive and effective in the world? and keep a clear and steady head. Famous athletes and musicians and politicians are doing yoga now. it is so beautiful that this wash of consciousness and light are beginning to pervade the reality of more than just the alternative crowds.
so day by day, i am deepening my experience of joy, eternal peace and love and respect for all beings. my sadhana has deepened and become more enriched and the way i feel is as though i am in love with all of creation. i may have become more simple minded through this process i dont know. in some ways i feel i have lost my head. it is there, but all i can do is feel in love with something i can't put my finger on for very long. and that is okay. because the right thoughts come when they need to. there is no competition or race to get somewhere. when i am rested in love, in truth then the right things happen. how can this be? how can we be here now when we seemed so far away before. the past is in the past. and we are here. and it is our turn to dance. i have been saving this last dance for you. the one that never ends because the song continues to play for us. for all. for love and for life. we have come here to experience the inherent love we are made of.
i am tasting God in my mind and feeling God in the sound of his breath. i want to say that there is more than this. i want to cast my line out into the ocean of possibility but i feel that the future has been created. we are living into the perfectly designed map of creation. can we meet there. will you meet us there. so we can laugh and love and share in this whole realm of human potential and spiritual realization.