Monday, February 12, 2007


I haven’t written on here in so long. It’s funny how I feel less moved to write when everything is working and beautiful and smooth and we are so busy, as well.
But it is nice to document and share things, to capture moments.

I am in a new position. In the last year I have had three promotions. One was only a title change, but two involved monetary raises as well. I have Jupiter transiting 7th from the Arudha Lagna, astrology works. J Hopefully when he goes 8th from AL there will still be so much career prosperity. We will see.

Me and my beloved are living together. Kind of have been since we met—well, since we starting being firm in one another’s lives. In December we got engaged while in India. And the wedding date is yet to be set, but will be sometime in 2008—probably in California and probably partly at our house.

We have kitties that we are totally in love with. I bet we are going to be so spoiling of our children, but I like to think we will be fair and loving and balanced. Who knows. I am sure all parents have the best intentions, but situations arise and whatnot and then the dynamics change. But it is so beautiful with our kitties—they sleep under the covers with us and purr so loudly, and play and knock stuff over and get hair on my clothes and watch birds and are pure embodiments of spontaneous play. We are blessed to have such beautiful souls to share in our love.

Oh, life is such a gift. I feel like I have been given the keys to the kingdom. I still have a lot of purification of habits, thoughts, negative tendencies that I am working on, but I am clearer, more focused, stable in thought, deed and speech than I have ever been. I know I owe a lot of credit to my darling one--and to myself for courageously confronting difficult situations and being focused on truth, to the best of my ability. And so it goes…

My wish is that we release fear’s grip, that we exhale longer than inhale and recognize that there’s no need to scramble, compete or stress. To comfortably surrender to the peaceful light that underlies all living and non-living existence. I pray we free ourselves from ‘compulsive thinking’ and BE with the uncertainty that will ultimately lead us to fulfillment and contentment. This is where I want to live.

Many blessings.