Tuesday, November 16, 2004

life and its constituent parts

Life is lifing at an extraordinarily beauitful pace and with brilliant color all around me. It is like I can see a finer point of subtlty than is on the surface. Having such an appreciation for Teresa and her love and devotion for her Mother. Interacting with the pigeons and really feeling our connection. It is so nice to know where my emotionality comes from. Having a cancer moon in vedic astrology makes so much sense.
appreciating the laugh styles that "my guys" at work have. Feeling such a fondness for Tonia with no direct experience or reason to feel so. I love the subtleties of life. and I love that i appreciate them. I just remembered that sweet exercise thatMike Robbins had us do when Karen and i went to his seminar: every morning when you do your journal writing spend some extra time writing about the things you apprciate about yourself. Typically this is harder for me to do about myself than it is others, but i got so savvy at giving it up to myself it was a fun exercise.
I fall in love with life and its constituent parts so easily. Now, if I can only serve God as the masculine, be guided by God's infinite direction and wisdom and attract a partner that wants to grow together long-term.
Even though I fall in love easily and often the partner I want to grow with is a different matter-I continue to establish my life in a particular shape and it is important to me that the integrity be honored.
as we shuffle off this mortal coil..
Happy Sade Sati to me! Venus giveth and Saturn he taketh away!
(usually I try to hold a context for this blog that is less journally/head-run-off and more blog/informative, but i realize here that I am blurring the line pretty disctinctly, and I am okay with that. I appreciate that I acknowledge the "small stuff."


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