Monday, January 24, 2005

close your eyes

somebody on tribe was asking me for advice on the path of devotion and this is what I wrote. I don't feel like i said the best thing or even that anything i write holds any merit. I want to put it on my blog though because i love being a resource to people and shining any light on what may turn out to be valuable input or insight I can offer. and, i love being that particularly for women. young women even more specifically.
I feel supported and held in the softness and warmth of divine light.

well, my advice is to close your eyes, feel you heart and trust your intuition. try out different places and different paths and see which feels most like your path. Amma is "easy" to take a liking to,. she is very available, pure love and compassion and accepts all who come to her. You can visit her again in late May when she comes to the states. You might also try going to different yoga centers and see who their gurus are and what lineage they follow, see what moves you. there are some shady places out there but you wont know until you give it a go. Books help discovering that too,. I recommed one by Swami Sivananda Radha called " A woman's search" something like that. it is her tale of meeting Swami Sivananda in the fifties in India. she has an ashram in canada. I have been greatly inspired by her dedication and courage. I follow amma, she is my guru. but Swami Radha and Swami Sivananda are the other path that speaks to and guides my life. do some research on the internet and read the works of people whose names you come across, that will surely shine some light on what's out there. keep me posted. id love ot hear your progress. my other advice is to purify your mind and life by becoming more awake to what is really the truth about why we are here. to realize our true selves, our god nature. this reality comes alive through meditation and yoga asanas and chanting. thanks for asking for my input. it feels good ot share my experience with all this. and i am just a baby looking for my way as well. blessings and light, amrita


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