Tuesday, December 21, 2004


i had a dream about Amma last night. Sadasiva and I were in a great big church. it was mahogany in color, old ancient wood with ceilings that seemed to be about 60 or 70 feet high. People were sitting in chairs all askew and doing different things, it wasn't organized or led by one particular person. There were about 50 people in total scattered about. Sadasiva and I were reciting some verses from Shakespeare. it wasn't a play of his that I remember but just some of his thoughts/ideas, not a story. IN came Amma. she was wearing all white, her hair was down and moved about and around her like a thick and careful wind. She walked up the center of a partially formed aisle. On her left hand she had an ink drawing of some kind of bird. it was drawn in a very rough way, a sihlouette of a bird in heavy ink. She was holding her hand up and forward as she walked.
I lay back in Sadasiva's lap crying that Amma was here. He kept saying to me "she's gonna get you..she's gonna get you.." Amma walked up to the end of an aisle where Triambika was. She hugged her and I was crying with love and longing to be more a part of Amma. IN her embrace of Triambika she was embracing us and we were all together. I woke up crying, but with no tears, just wet eyes.


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