I woke up at 4AM. I'm not sure what woke me, maybe the intensity of this dream, but usually I just go back to sleep, convincing myself that I will remember it well enough in the morning. This time I forced myself to get out of bed and turn on my computer to write what I could remember. I want to pay more attention to my dreams, maybe using them as access to deeper parts of my subconscious.
This is what and how I wrote at 4AM this morning.
I got to the Galpers. There was Noah and Sadasiva was with me. We went to a house.
There was a copy of the bhagavad gita open on a bookcase. A woman came in, lit some sage and started saying things in another language, doing puja.
We were all sitting around. There was a “wolf”.
She invited me to come “put my breast to the wolve’s mouth." I went up, scared and it lunged at me rabidly and ferociously. People in the background made some sounds, noises. I tried again and the same. Angry lunge at me with razor shapr teeth and a mouth that wanted to kill.
The third time I went up powerfully and put my full consciousness up against the dragony wolf and my breast to its mouth. It froze, with its hot vaporous breath all around my upper body. Panting and breathing hot air. Then it settled down and eventually she said, you can allow him to kiss you to be finished, something like that. He gave me a big lick and I was finished,
The difference the third time was that I brought consiousness and had no fear. The first two times I was afraid and thought we were separate creatures/ the third time I risked it all.