Thursday, March 31, 2005

yoga sutras

last night in class we discussed Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, sutras 3-9.

when i first heard of the yoga sutras i assumed they were only related to hatha yoga - they are so rich and powerful. sutra means thread. like suture in English; the material used to close a wound or join tissues.
the sutras are known as "living scriptures;" a tool to illuminate our spiritual path.

the eigth sutra says:

Misconception occurs when knowledge of something is not based upon its true form.

that is, we are not seeing things as they truly are. when i would spend time in the woods i would think everything was a bear and my heart would race, then settle after i realized it was only a tree stump.

it is believed that we spend the majority of our time in this false understanding of the way things are. that is refreshing to realize because that means things that seem unfair or arent right are only misrepresentations of what is actually going on anyway, so why worry?


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