think good thoughts
Swami Sivananda Says:
The mind is purified by constant kirtan (chanting). It is filled
with good and pure thoughts. Daily kirtan strengthens good samskaras
(habits). The mind of a man who trains himself in thinking good,
holy thoughts, develops a tendency to think good thoughts. His
character is moulded and transformed by continuous good thoughts.
He who entertains thoughts of divinity becomes transformed actually
into divinity himself. His bhava (disposition) is purified and
divinised. The meditator and the meditated, the worshipper and the
worshipped, the thinker and the thought, become one and the same.
This is samadhi This is the fruit of kirtan or upasana (adoration).
I am doing my best to remember that every action, every thought, every breath can be an offering to the Lord, in service of our highest selves. We do not need to be in a particular environment with everything arranged just so-- every moment and situation is the perfect one for devotion. And the last couple days I have been practising being the witness to my thoughts, desires, preferences, sensual cravings..asking myself who is hungry, who is sad, who wants is the mind that wants things fulfilled. I am remembering that at any moment, enlightenment, Self-realization can happen. i can get hit by a bus, stub my toe or choke on my sandwich, or maybe in a more humane way - can full Consciousness be realized. that makes me excited. I don't have to be careful when crossing the street, or rather I dont have to be worried crossing the street, still being mindful, but the worry and stress can go away, because what if in the moment of answering the phone at work it is God calling, and I realize that? Wow.
But I still feel I have to purify my heart and thinking and actions in the world, maybe it's the long and dutiful way to uncovering the divine within..all these ways to practice, there really is a way for all of us.